When I'm Gone


The examination time table is up..and my exam papers are on
5.11.2008 THINKING TECHNIQUE (Teknik Berfikir)
6.11.2008 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY I (Teknologi Pembuatan I)
7.11.2008 MECHATRONIC(Mekatronik)
10.11.2008 PREPARATORY ENGLISH (Bahasa Ingeris Persediaan)
14.11.2008 THERMODYNAMICS(termodinamik)
17.112008 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (Kekuatan Bahan)

..so this blog will be less updated..sorry..

and also, no games until i finished my examination..who wanna play the psp? come to my room..530*

OR if you wanna find me, maybe i will be in the library.. :p

that's all from me..all the best to all my friends in school of aerospace engineering, my readers who also have examination..my gf who is now sitting for her year end exam, you..me, she, he, i, mui, yui, moi,


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